• typing & computer work
• carrying a child
• golf
• playing the piano
• carpentry
What is De Quervain's Tenosynovitis?
De Quervain's tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the sheath, or synovium, that surrounds the two tendons that run between the wrist and the thumb. As the synovium swells and thickens, it becomes painful for a person to move their thumb. It usually occurs after the thumb or wrist has been overused, particularly during repetitive activities that move the thumb away from the wrist.
A sprain or overusing the tendons through repetitive movements of the thumb at work or during sport tend to make the swelling and pain worse.
Corticosteroid injections relieve the inflammation in the tendons and make it possible to perform therapeutic exercises which are likely to be too painful before relieving the inflammation.
What is a corticosteroid injection?
Corticosteroid (or ‘cortisone’) is a powerful anti-inflammatory medicine that can be directly administered into the inflamed tissues causing your pain. It is safer than taking anti-inflammatories by mouth. It is not the same as the illegal steroids sometimes taken by bodybuilders and athletes.
What are the benefits?
Corticosteroid can help relieve pain, stiffness and swelling within 7-10 days of an injection. This is important for patients that are struggling to engage in rehabilitation due to high pain levels. Cortisone injections can also be very useful to help diagnose the cause of your pain.
What are the costs?
£150 per injection. There are no obligations to set courses of injections.